Financial Policy
Payment for services rendered is due at the time of service.
Cash, check or credit cards such as Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Express are accepted. We also accept Care Credit.
Cash paying patient payments for services totaling over $500.00 are eligible for a 5% accounting discount. This is only applicable if the bill is paid in full, with a cash or check, the day of service. This courtesy does not apply when we are billing insurance.
Important Note Regarding Dental Insurance
You are the guarantor of your account, not your insurance company. Dental insurance is an adjunct to your financial relationship with our practice. We will collect estimated copays at time of service with the exceptions of your INITIAL VISIT, and for exams for patients of other practices, which will be collected in full, and subsequently billed to your insurance.
Often, insurance companies underestimate what your portion will be, or do not pay what was expected based on your plan information. There may be a balance due after insurance pays, in spite of the estimate provided by your insurance company. Please be aware – You will receive a bill for this balance if the amount paid by your insurance does not cover the total fee for your service(s).
In the event that insurance pays more than was estimated, a credit will be placed on your account. We can place the credit toward a future visit, or reimburse you via check. Sometimes, the credit must be paid back to your insurance company upon their request.
If your insurance company reimburses you directly, we will collect in full at time of service for services rendered.
We file claims to your insurance as a courtesy to you. If a claim is denied, or delayed, the overdue balance is billable to you. At this point, you may contact your insurance company to be reimbursed directly, but we will not file claims for procedures that have been completed over 30 days..
Debt that is unpaid 30 days after the date of service will be considered delinquent. Accounts that are over 90 days late may be referred to a collection agency. This policy also applies to insurance claims. Claims that are unpaid after 90 days will be billed to you. If your insurance pays after 90 days, your initial payment will be credited to your account, or disbursed to you via check.
Thank you for your understanding
Financial Policy | Printable PDF
Flexible payment plans offered through
Missed Appointment Policy
When we schedule your appointment, a specific amount of time is reserved especially for you. If for any reason you must cancel or change your appointment, it is important that you give our office at least 24-48 hours notice so that we may offer that time to someone else.
• First Missed Appointment: If an appointment is missed or cancelled within the 24 -48 hour window, a letter will be sent reminding you of our policy.
• Any missed appointments following the first: You may be placed on a short call list and will be notified when there is a cancellation or opening in the schedule.
• For New Patients: You will not be reappointed if your appointment is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice or if you do not show for your initial appointment.
We understand that emergencies happen and sometimes prevent us from keeping appointments. If you had an emergency or an issue that caused you to miss an appointment, let us know and the “missed appointment” will be removed from your record.